1.他出色地完成了任务。 He finished his task with distinction.
2.他的罪行被掩盖起来。 His crimes were hushed up.
3.敌人在他后面穷追不舍。 The enemy ran after him in hot pursuit.
4.花了十年才把犯罪嫌疑人追捕到。 It took 10 years to hunt down the suspect.
5.面对挑衅,歇斯底里开始占上风。 In the face of provocation, hysteria was taking over.
6.他镇定自若地回答说:“我不知道。” He had the presence of mind to say, "I don't know."
7.他烂醉如泥。 He got blind drunk.
8.他认为经济会好转。 He thought that economy would take a turn for the better.
9.士兵们放空枪。 The soldiers fired into the air.
10.他都懒得问别人。 He never bothered to consult anyone.
11.他们缺少武器弹药。 They ran short of ammunition.
12.你务保证准时到会。 You should see to it that you will attend the meeting on time.
13.他把信通读了一遍。 He read through the letter.
14.他把杂志从头到尾读了一遍。 He read the magazine from cover to cover.
15.晚餐我们吃了6道菜。 We had 6 courses for dinner.
16.他们把怒气憋在肚子里,从不抱怨。 They bottled up their anger and never complained.
17.一阵歇斯底里后,她平静了下来。 After a fit of hysteria, she calmed down.
18.一阵晕眩袭来,她倒在地上。 She was seized with faint and fell to the ground.
19.他总是喜欢掌控一切。 He never failed to run the show.
20.请把这间房子留出来作为接待室。 Please set aside this room for reception.
21.他千方百计应付了过去。 He tried every way possible to muddle through it.
22.一连串的示威游行发生了。 A stream of demonstrations happened.
23.克林顿获得压倒性优势。 Clinton won an overwhelming majority.
24.他周旋于各国大使之间。 He talked circles around ambassadors.
25.他们互相算计已经很多年了。 They plotted against each other for years.
26.他在磨洋工。 He is lingering over his work.
27.讲得太快,听不懂他讲什么。 He spoke fast so much so that we couldn't catch what he said.
28.他不喜欢猪肉牛肉之类的食物。 He didn't like pork, beef and suchlike.
29.我们会竭尽所能帮助你的。 We'll do our utmost to help you.
30.我们分成3组。 We split into 3groups.
31.雨断断续续下了一整天。 It rained off and on for a whole day.
32.他的收入与劳动不成比例。 His income is out of proportion to his work.
33.我们现在是难兄难弟。 We are in the same boat.
34.这道菜很对他的胃口。 This dish is to his liking.
35.他住在我家隔壁。 He lives next door to me.
36.他快崩溃了。 He is on the edge of collapse.
37.月台的另外一头有一位女士。 On the far side of the platform was a lady.
38.他们对老王家下手了。 They laid their hands on the Wangs.
39.他们被吓了一跳。 They were taken by surprise.
40.他的呼吁得到了对手的回应。 His appeal was echoed by his rivals.
41.一个小时后,他们把火扑灭了。 An hour later the fire was put out.
42.这个问题他们持有异议。 They took issue with this problem.
43.结果大体上是令人满意的。 The result in the main is satisfactory.
44.事实上,他对此一无所知。 As it is, he is in the dark about it.
45.他没有心意,只是三心二意。 He is not wholehearted but halfhearted.
46.我们要千方百计挺过去。 We'll live through it by every possible means.
47.除了一个人其他所有人都去了。 All but one went there.
48.他突然冒出一个主意来。 Suddenly an idea descended on him.
49.他们把敌人一个不剩消灭了。 They wiped the enemies out.
50.一派胡言。 Sheer nonsense.