国家生态文明试验区 National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone
The Implementation Plan for the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone (Hainan) vows to bring about a new pattern of harmonious coexistence of man and nature in China's modernization drive and write a chapter of Hainan for building a Beautiful China.
方案提出的战略定位是,将海南打造成生态文明体制改革样板区(model zone for institutional reform of ecological progress)、陆海统筹保护发展实践区(area for coordinated land and marine development)、生态价值实现机制试验区(pilot zone for ecological value realization mechanism)及清洁能源优先发展示范区(demonstration zone for prioritized development of clean energy)。
By 2020, significant progress will have been made in the building of the pilot zone in Hainan, where the proportion of days with good air quality in cities remains above 98 percent, and the annual average concentration of fine particulate matter, or PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter), are not higher than 18 micrograms per cubic meter, according to the document.
Energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product will decrease by 10 percent compared with 2015, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross regional product will decrease by 12 percent compared with 2015, it adds.
The plan foresees that by 2035, the environmental quality and the resource utilization efficiency will be of world leading level in the pilot zone.